If you’ve shopped at Amazon you may be entitled to compensation

Amazon is accused of not always offer customers the best deals in £1.3 billion claim.

Retail giant Amazon has been accused of overcharging customers by manipulating how it presents products to customers – favouring its own retail offers and that from sellers who use Amazon’s logistic services. Sign up to stay updated.

Amazon favouring its own products 

More than 80% of Amazon purchases in the UK are made by customers using the ‘Add to basket’ or ‘Buy now’ buttons in what is known as its ‘Buy Box’. 

Amazon is accused of using bespoke algorithms for its Buy Box that favour its own products or products sold by a seller that uses Amazon’s order fulfilment services, despite better deals on the same product being available. These are less prominently displayed, further down the page.

Are you one of Amazon’s 49.4m eligible customers?

If the claim is won, all UK consumers who bought products from Amazon’s marketplace at amazon.co.uk, from 1 October 2015 to at least 1 June 2020, could be eligible for compensation.

The claim against Amazon 

Robert Hammond is seeking £1.3 billion in compensation on behalf of 49.4 million UK consumers. He has accused Amazon of manipulating how it presents products to customers and suppressing competition in its marketplace.

Hammond has instructed law firms Hagens Berman EMEA LLP and Charles Lyndon Limited to represent him. The claim is being funded by Four World Capital.

How to claim compensation

A decision first needs to be made by the specialist competition court about whether the claim will proceed to trial. Sign up to Consumer Voice to stay updated. 

We will keep you updated on the latest developments in the Amazon claim and other group consumer claims.

What’s happening with this claim?

Robert Hammond filed his claim with the competition court in June 2023. This was the second similar claim against Amazon, with one previously filed by Julie Hunter in November 2022.

The Competition Appeal Tribunal ruled in favour of Hammond’s claim against Amazon in February 2023. Hammond is now seeking permission from the Tribunal to take his claim to trial.

Amazon’s Buy Box is the subject of a separate £1.1 billion lawsuit brought on behalf of UK retailers.

The competition watchdog secured commitments from Amazon in November to give independent sellers a fair chance of their offers being featured in the site’s ‘Buy Box’.

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